Amazing Web Designs You Have To Try

Websites with great designs have completely taken over the world. Almost all modern websites (those created after 2015) are already very user friendly and most likely, aesthetically immersive web design.
The fact that a lot of websites are now fine-tuned to appeal to the viewers has resulted in a mass shift of priorities for businesses and others that have websites. Design agencies are now a big hit because of how much they can optimize your websites for you and how convenient it is.
If you’re deciding to work with a team to design you a website interface, if you already have an agency, or even if you just want to do it on your own, here are 6 web designs you definitely need to adapt:
Dark mode
We start this list with everyone’s favorite. Twitter and Facebook Messenger along with several apps and websites switching/and or allowing the option of going Dark mode has started a new trend.
This pleasing-to-the-eyes design is aimed at trying to take off the additional burden to people who spend a lot of time on their phones and laptops. White is bright and strains the eyes more than the cool and toned down black.
Aside from its practical design, some people just have an affinity for darker things. With that being said, we think that dark mode is definitely one of the things you have to try. You’ll be bound to have more positive reactions once you try it with your website.
Soft Shadows and Floating Elements
For years now, websites have tended looking flat and bland. Being filled with nothing but texts and dry photos of subjects that just aren’t appealing to the eye. Soft Shadows and Floating Elements have found their way into website designs as a solution for this.
The trend with Soft Shadows and Floating Elements is all about creating depth. The designs are similar to a 3D effect, but it’s toned down and more eye candy-esque. The Soft Shadows and Floating Elements approach isn’t limited to graphics; you can use photographs and text boxes too.
The design exhibits a light feeling as if the graphics, images, or texts are floating over each other. Overall, this is a new and modern approach, and so far we’ve seen people have better or positive remarks for it. Better than a flat and bland website, that’s for sure.
Ultra Minimalist
2020 is the year of smart devices in small screens. This has affected the way websites and apps are designed. Websites are tweaked now to cater to both wide, large screens and small devices like smartwatches.
This changed the priorities of designing from a lot of information to a minimalist approach that can be relevant for both websites and smartwatch apps. Over the last few years, the changes have been drastic.
If you think about it, the less the users have to think, read and process, the quicker they get to decide things, and the more you get traction and interaction. It’s also notable how with the minimalist approach, it emphasizes more on the actual products instead of designs that clog up the page.
Immersive 3D elements
The complete opposite of an Ultra Minimalist design, Immersive 3D elements thrive in large, high definition screens. This is the better choice for more specific web design requirements, like immersing your customer or visitor.
Despite quite the high price tag on an immersive 3D design, it’s relatively cheaper than in the past, and technology is now in a spot where your local agency probably has the capabilities already to produce immersive 3D designs.
3D designs are one of the mainstream choices as of the moment until VR, which is also on the rise, replaces it. It won’t be soon yet, though, as VR proves to still be a relatively new addition to the designs market. 3D designs are still a good option if you have enough budget for it.
Glowing Color Schemes
Probably one of the more eccentric choices in this list, Glowing Color Schemes are still one of the best options coming into 2020. People are tired of flat, plain, and bland designs. Glowing Color Schemes are good for avoiding that while being able to supplement almost all the designs in this list.
It can work well with Immersive 3D, Floating Elements, photographs and text, and you name it. Glowing Color Schemes are often bold, highly saturated, and sometimes even glow-in-the-dark neon colors combined with dark, muted colors. This gives the design a night-lamp feel, similar to dark mode, but more eccentric.
This new and creative design is definitely something you shouldn’t miss out on if you’re planning on creative redesigns for your website or app. If you haven’t made one yet, this web design is a good way to start garnering attention and traction.
A Mix of Graphics and Photography
Combining real photographs and graphic design and layering them over the other creates this vintage neon aesthetic. Hyper detailed images and edits often look weird and off-putting, but with the right balance and application, it’s bound to be attention-grabbing, one of the more important aspects in web design.
With the number of freelance graphic artists and designers around everywhere, you won’t have to think of it as a problem. The talent your local graphic artists have are probably enough to pull off and sway how people view the images. Perhaps they can go creatively crazy with it and pull off very vivid images.
If your goal for your website is to catch people’s attention and make them stay there, hopefully converting visits to purchases, then, perhaps this can be one of your choices as one of the more eccentric web designs around that are a big hit in 2020.
2020 has been a rollercoaster ride, and we’ve seen so many things change. From the economy to the number of online shopping people have been doing, to the decrease in attention span because of quarantine.
These six choices are optimal for trying to do something new and exciting, which something people crave a lot for today. With the right choices made, and with you picking the right design that fits your website’s ideals and overall feel, your website is bound to flourish.